Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Of New Websites

Worldchanging has a new, just-for-Seattle area folks, website, WorldChanging Seattle. Makes a great compliment to Grist and my morning cuppa tea (Stash English Breakfast, splash of milk).

Bill McKibben has a new site up, 350.org. His goal is to get the world to think of 350 as a desirable level of atmospheric CO2, and to strive to drop it to that point. Just launched in eight or nine languages, I was having trouble with the "find an action" button. Maybe there aren't any yet.

Somewhere, I would love to find out exactly how much CO2, water, gasoline, natural gas, and electricity my family is "allowed" for a sustainable existence. I suppose some would argue zero in the fossil fuels areas, but wouldn't you like to have a number to see where you stand and how far one needs to go to get there?


Threeundertwo said...

Have you seen the 350.org blog challenge? Even though they've met their goal they're still offsetting for bloggers who post the badge. You can follow the link from my blog.

Kristi said...

Thanks! I'll check it out.