Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Dreaming of Gardening

Lookee what came in the mail this weekend!

Okay, maybe you can't lookee because I can't get blogger to post a photo right now.  So you'll just have to use your imagination.

Picture 22 packets of seeds from Territorial.  Oooh!  Aahhh!  What did I get?

A half pound of Maestro peas
Red Ace beets
Blue Wind broccoli
Roodnerf brussels sprouts
Derby Day cabbage
Mokum and Yaya carrots
Double Yield pickling cucumber
Giant Musselburgh leeks
Flashy Trout's Back, Red Sails, and Salad Bowl lettuce
Cherry Belle radish
Bloomsdale Savoy and Olympia spinach
Oregon Spring (slicer), Striped Roman (sauce) and Sungold (cherry) tomatoes

Basil, Coriander, Marjoram, and Parsley

I just realized that I forgot to buy scallion seed....  I'll get some when I get onion plants/sets.

After no gardening last summer, all my seeds had seen better days, so it was time for major seed renewal.

It's so cold here in summer that I have a hard time getting sauce tomatoes to ripen.  I'm hoping that Striped Roman will be early enough that I can put up loads of sauce this fall.  The broccoli cultivar is new to me this year, and I've never grown leeks or brussels sprouts before, though I love to eat them.

Anybody get anything new they're excited about?

1 comment:

The Sumerlin Dorper Farm said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Territorial!!!